Back and Neck Pain Treatment

At our clinic in all cases, we take a thorough history of your condition and a physical examination. We may also use X-rays, CT, MRI and lab tests to determine what is appropriate for your spinal pain. The treatment plan may involve manual or mechanically assisted adjustments in which Dr Carter will gently manipulate the joints, using a controlled, force to improve range and quality of motion. The goals of chiropractic care include the restoration of function and prevention of injury in addition to back pain relief.
Chiropractic Pregnancy Care
Chiropractic & Pregnancy

Doctor Carter has worked with the Bunbury Midwifes, Doulas, and Medical Practitioners for over a decade providing Chiropractic care via several different modified and classical techniques. One such specific chiropractic adjustment for pregnant mothers is the Webster Technique. Currently, many birth care providers are actively seeking his skills regarding this technique. Seeking chiropractic care early in pregnancy is a safe, effective way to support the natural process of birthing.
Caring For Today’s Athlete

Dean has a sound knowledge base of sports related injuries as well as return-to-play criteria. The clinic functions with multi-discipline health care providers such as doctors, physiotherapists, strength and conditioning coaches, exercise physiologists, and personal trainers.
Many of today’s athletes utilize chiropractic to prevent and recover from injury as well as improve bio mechanical performance. Dr Carter is proficient in Dr Mark Charrettes Extremity Adjusting Protocols for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Extremity adjustments and joint mobilisation for the care for shoulders, feet, ankles, hips, knees, fingers and wrists help restore normal motion to the joints that have become “restricted” ,or injured. This can reduce pain, improve motion, relax muscles, reduce nerve interference, and promote healing. These techniques are ideally suited to help athletes reach their full potential in today’s competitive environment.
Dry Needling

Dr Carter is a certified dry needling practitioner as well as a chiropractor. Dry needling, also known as myofascial dry needling or biomedical acupuncture, involves inserting acupuncture needles into soft tissues such as muscles, fascia, ligaments, and tendons. It can be helpful in releasing chronically tight muscles and muscle spasm.
Dry needling works by breaking up taught muscle fibres and increasing blood supply to the tissue in much the same way as massage. The needle is much finer and more accurate than a thumb so it cam be a very precise and powerful technique.
The technique is different to acupuncture in that it is based on western medicine and not Chinese medicine. It is based purely on Musculo-skeletal conditions and not for treating other visceral conditions as acupuncture can be.
The Y-Axis traction strap is a device that fits around the base of the skull and chin which allows for the neck to be stretched and the Chiropractor creating a pulling type lever. The Y-Axis Traction strap is used to stretch the neck by putting a long-axis distraction force through the spinal joints associated ligaments and muscles. Occasionally, the joints of the spine may “pop” or cavitate when being stretched.
Mechanically Assisted Techniques

Just as lasers have replaced scalpels in some surgeries, advanced technology has become available to chiropractors to assist in delivering chiropractic adjustments
Dr Carter uses the Impulse Adjusting Instrument for patients that prefer mechanically assisted techniques compared to manual adjusting. The Impulse Adjusting Instrument is controlled by micro-computer circuitry housed within the device that produces a controlled force that chiropractors can use to treat different areas of the body. Impulse adjustments are high-tech.There is no popping or cracking with these adjustments , but rather very precise and targeted adjustments designed to specifically care for just the right areas.
Years of research have gone into the development of the Impulse Instruments to create gentle chiropractic adjustments that are safe and effective for patients of all ages.
Coccyx Adjustment -Tail Bone Pain

A coccyx injury results in pain and discomfort in the tailbone area (the condition is called coccydynia). These injuries may result in a bruise, dislocation, or fracture (break) of the coccyx. Although they may be slow to heal, the majority of coccyx injuries can be managed with conservative treatment.
Chiropractors are trained to treat the majority of tail bone pain via gentle manipulation or mobilisation to the joint. A coccyx adjustment can be done by your chiropractor to realign structures, decrease inflammation, and stretch ligaments. External coccyx adjustments are done gently and as comfortable as possible for the patient.